His career as a designer began while he was renovating a stone ruin in Northern England, a project that progressed from making doors and windows to making furniture. Inspired to learn more, he took up a career in boat building and was then able to apply skills to create original, striking furniture.

David emigrated from the UK to New Zealand in 1985 and was immediately stimulated by the youthful openness of New Zealand.

“Most of all it is the space, both the enervating physical space of the land, but also the metaphorical space that a loose, young society offers. Europe is packed with people, history and ideas which block you in like glass walls, and the air is used and stuffy. When you are constantly assaulted by all-pervasive stimuli, it is so much more difficult to find yourself.

“In New Zealand, I find it easier to find my place to stand, my spiritual heart – and then to speak from it in my own voice, breathing the clear, bright air.”

My heart lies in the wild and empty places. It is there that I find the energy and vision which allows me to see new things.

Reported by Jo Percival for our AA Directions Winter 2011 issue

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