Meet the marvelous Molly

Meet Kiri and her marvelous Molly, her black Labrador Retriever, who was her Epilepsy Assist Dog – giving her a more independent and happy life.

Before Kiri got Molly ten years ago, she had had to rely on her supportive family and friends to take her to any place she wanted to go. Once she welcomed Molly into her life it unlocked a world of independence for her. 

New Molly and Kiri

By having Molly by her side she had the ability to get herself to the places she needed to go by using the public transport system and by walking. These had been things she was a bit dubious about doing alone, as she tended to wander when she had a seizure and didn't  know where she was for a short period of time.

Once, as retold to Kiri by a witness, Molly bravely pulled Kiri off a busy road when she had a seizure unbeknownst to her.  Molly has also saved her life when Kiri had a seizure and fell onto the rail tracks while waiting for a train. Molly’s response alerted guards who safely removed Kiri from the track before the train arrived.

Molly, if she catches Kiri at the right time, can even stop her going fully into a seizure, she does this by jumping in front of Kiri (if she is standing) or nudging/licking her (if she is sitting), this works to distract Kiri and can stop her going any further into that seizure.

Before long, Kiri was able to live independently and she ended up meeting her new neighbour Nick, who she eventually married.  Nick and Kiri wanted to start a family but they didn't make the decision to have a baby lightly.  With Kiri's parents living only five minutes away, they were able to spend every day with Kiri and their new baby Jacob when Nick was at work.  Jacob has now started school and Molly is in semi-retirement.  Kiri has a new dog Tyson living with them who is ready to take over as Kiri's next assist dog with Molly enjoying slowing down but watching on to make sure the new charge does his job correctly!  


Giving back

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AA Pet Insurance is proud to support the New Zealand Epilepsy Assist Dog Trust in their mission to help people with severe epilepsy to lead an independent and safer life by providing life-changing assistance dogs. Read more.