How much of a sun smarty-pants are you?

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Why menopause matters

Sarah Connor is a Wellington-based speaker and advocate who champions the need to raise awareness about menopause within communities and workplaces.

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What's the word around waiting periods?

Once you get health insurance for everyday policies like dental and GP, you generally can't make a claim right away - you must have your policy in place for a . . .

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Immunity-boosting soups and smoothies.

Being right in the middle of the cold and dark winter months, we are all too familiar with the colds, flus and viruses that seem to be lurking around every . . .

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The Man WoF 2024

We are proud to partner with Men's Health Week and ambassador Scotty Morrison to deliver the ‘Man WoF’.

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How To Navigate Teenage Mental Health NZ

By nib nz limited

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Play the claim game.

As we rocket into 2024, we thought we might play a little game of guess what was the average amount young people got back on their most common AA Health . . .

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Unpacking your self-care toolbox

We all know that our self-care can always do with a little extra helping hand. So here is a guide to a few of the 'must-have' items that can be packed into your self-care toolbox.

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Low-cost luxe: DIY ideas to make yourself feel fit and fabulous

With our wallets wincing at the checkouts, the team here at AA Health Insurance thought it would be a great idea to put our DIY heads together to craft a . . .

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Meet George - here to highlight some typical health costs

Meet George - who you could describe as 'New Zealand's unluckiest patient'. You name it, George's had it operated on. From cataracts to colonoscopies - George has endured it all.

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Health myths & smash hits

Ready to belt out your favourite tune with a Grammy award winning performance? Brilliant! The team here at AA Health Insurance thought it would be a great idea to debunk . . .

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The Man WoF with Scotty Morrison

We believe it’s time for Kiwi blokes to have a bit of a tune-up of the body and mind variety.

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Fact or fiction? Debunking common health myths

Whether you believe them or not, some health myths have certainly been around for a while, cementing their relevance in our minds as perceived ‘facts’.

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Checking in on NZ's unluckiest patient George as he gives up cafe coffees

Remember poor George? He was described as 'New Zealand's unluckiest patient' and has had nearly every condition, illness and accident under the sun.

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Non-PHARMAC drugs - what are the costs?

In March this year, we presented non-PHARMAC 101, which gave an introduction to 'what it is all about'.

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Things that take minutes to do (and not days like you think)

We have all been guilty of procrastination sneaking into our lives and stealing time from right under our noses.

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non-PHARMAC – what’s the deal?

Deciding between possible financial hardship and potentially life-saving medical treatment is a choice that no one should have to make.

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Healthy and 'appy

New Year...New You, right? Nice one! To support your new year’s fitness resolutions, we’ve created a list of our ‘top picks’ of the best wellbeing and physical fitness apps currently . . .

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When a dinosaur plaster won't fix it

Parents & carers - we have all been there before haven't we? Frantically searching for the novelty plasters as we determine the extent of the injury by the amount of . . .

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Pre-existing conditions: what are they?

Understanding what pre-existing conditions really means before taking out a health insurance policy will help to avoid headaches at claim time.

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Making time for family time

Between work and life responsibilities, the days pass in the blink of an eye. As a result, many of us have a degree of concern about the amount of time we have to spend with our kids. We've put together some suggestions for making most of the time with them during our increasingly busy schedules.

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How to hide winter veggies (even from yourself)

Giving the family their 5+ A Day® is going to be easy peasy pumpkin squeezy when you have these veggie-hiding tips up your winter woollen sleeves.

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What's the deal with waiting periods?

Once you get health insurance for everyday policies like dental and GP, you can't make a claim right away - you must wait for a certain amount of time first. So why are waiting periods in place, and what do they mean for you?

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7 tips for getting healthy on a budget

On a budget? Getting healthy doesn't have to cost a fortune. Here's 7 easy tips towards a healthier you.

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