AA Taranaki District Council

The AA’s Taranaki District Council represents AA Members living from Waverley in the south to Mokau in the north.

Working on behalf of AA Members

Sharing the road with cyclists and other transport modes

Contributing to Taranaki's future plans

The Taranaki AA District Council is proactive in making submissions to improve roads in Taranaki, particularly improvements to SH3 north, which include:

  • Awakino Tunnel – we're pleased to see this is now completed.
  • Mt Messenger Bypass – which is currently underway.
  • Bell Block to Waitara Corridor – where the phased improvements have started.

Speed management

The AA is liaising with Taranaki road controlling authorities as they revisit speed management (including speed limits) on their roads. We believe any change must 'make sense' to motorists - simply putting up a new sign with a lower limit often doesn't result in the speed reductions wanted.

Sealing SH43 - the Forgotten World Highway

The Taranaki AA District Council continues to support the sealing of the remaining 12.5km of SH43 – The Forgotten World Highway – which is both a popular tourist route and an important alternative route in and out of Taranaki.

Highlights from the latest meeting (November 2024):

  • We had a great meeting with special guest Tim Oakes, AA Principal Advisor Strategy & Planning. Discussion points included recent staff changes in the AA Transport Policy & Advocacy team and funding gaps for road maintenance and improvements and what is happening to find a solution.
  • We discussed Government changes that require the reversal of reductions made in recent years to speed limits on some roads, and that some of the funding to make these reversals will fall on local Councils.

District Councillors

The District Councillors are:

  • John Maxwell (Chair, National Councillor) 
  • Marion Webby (Vice Chair)
  • Graham O’Brien
  • John Sutton
  • Kieran Best
  • Harry Duynhoven
  • Denise Holmes
  • Ralph Broad
  • Wayne Benton
  • Gavin Lysaght

100 years of the AA in Taranaki

In late 2014 the AA marked its 100th anniversary in Taranaki. A booklet was produced celebrating the history of the AA in the region.

> Download the 100 years of the AA in Taranaki booklet (PDF, 10 MB)

Contacts for AA Members

District Manager: Tania Ogle, New Plymouth AA Centre

Urgent road maintenance: If you notice road maintenance issues that need immediate attention, please contact either:

  • State highway maintenance - contact Waka Kotahi-NZ Transport Agency - 0800 44 44 49 (0800 4 HIGHWAYS)
  • Local road maintenance - contact Taranaki Regional Council - 0800 736 222