
Media releases about safety issues.

15 October 2019

AA calls for a re-think on SH6 speed limit proposal

The AA is concerned that the NZ Transport Agency is losing public confidence by proposing a blanket speed limit reduction along the whole road between Nelson and Blenheim.

25 September 2019

AA concerned at number of drink drivers avoiding interlocks

Nearly half the drink drivers facing an alcohol interlock are not being sentenced to one, a report from the AA Research Foundation has found.

22 August 2019

Light rail delay creates opportunity to accelerate highway projects

The AA is calling on the Government to bring forward critical highway projects while time is spent properly developing the plans for a rapid transit system in Auckland.

18 April 2019

Reducing risks on the road needs better reflection

The AA is asking all drivers to remember to look in the mirror as we head towards the Easter break.

27 February 2019

Compromise the key in Auckland speed limits debate – AA

The AA supports efforts to bring down speeds on high-risk Auckland roads, but will be calling on Auckland Transport (AT) to dial back its proposal for lower speed limits across the city in order to both improve road safety and get lasting buy-in from the public.

1 January 2019

Another tragic year of deaths on the road

The Automobile Association is urging everyone to think about how they can help make our roads safer in 2019.

20 December 2018

Get your timing right for safe holiday driving

The AA wants drivers to give themselves the gift of time to stay safe on the roads these holidays.

12 December 2018

Auckland speed limit proposal a step too far – AA

The AA is urging Auckland Transport (AT) to take a more balanced approach to speed limit changes in Auckland in order to both improve safety and win widespread public support.

11 December 2018

ACC levy changes a backward step for safety

The NZ Automobile Association is disappointed with the announcement by the Government to end ACC’s Vehicle Risk Rating scheme.

6 December 2018

Innovative child protection alert feature of 5 star safety rated vehicle

Four new vehicles have achieved 5 stars in ANCAP’s latest round of safety ratings, including a vehicle with an innovative new child protection feature. The Ford Focus, Genesis G70, Jaguar I-PACE and new generation Hyundai Santa Fe all achieved 5 star ratings, against ANCAP’s increased testing standards. The Santa Fe is equipped with a Child Presence Alert which sounds if there is still a child in the backseat as the driver is leaving the vehicle. The alert is designed to reduce the chance of a baby or young child being left in an unattended vehicle. AA Motoring Services General Manager Stella Stocks said it's fantastic that vehicle manufacturers are being innovative when it comes to safety. “AA Roadservice Officers go to more than 600 callouts a year involving children being locked in vehicles. In many instances, the child has accidentally been locked in and both the child and parent become stressed. “It’s really exciting to see new technology which can potentially make a real difference.” Stocks said it was great to also have three other vehicles coming into the market with top safety ratings. The Ford Focus and Genesis G70’s best scores were both for child occupant protection, with the...

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