
Media releases about infrastructure.

4 August 2017

New Auckland transport package a welcome prospect

Though details are yet to be revealed, the Government has indicated a multi-billion dollar package to increase funding to a range of major projects across the city over the next decade, and to help bring projects like the Northwestern Busway and Mill Road forward.

15 December 2016

Commitment to Kaikoura coastal route provides certainty

The AA welcomes the Government’s commitment to reinstating the coastal route to Kaikoura.

8 December 2016

Puhoi to Warkworth a vital step forward for Northland

The AA is delighted that construction is officially underway on the Puhoi to Warkworth motorway extension – a project which will deliver huge benefits for Northland by improving travel times and alleviating congestion.

2 December 2016

New transport funding tools for Auckland - look before you leap

Auckland AA Members are ready to consider new ways to pay for the city’s transport infrastructure, but the most straightforward – and popular – tool may be one the Council already has at hand.

16 September 2016

Auckland transport strategy has the tick - just do it

The AA says that yesterday’s release of the final report of the Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP) is a major milestone in Auckland transport planning, and is calling on the Government and Auckland Council to now start delivering the transport benefits that Aucklanders need.

3 August 2016

Proceed with caution on congestion charging - AA Members

Auckland AA Members are open to the idea of congestion charging, but they are not yet ready to sign up to it.

10 May 2016

Congestion driving Aucklanders to breaking point

Traffic congestion is causing many Aucklanders to look at moving house, changing jobs or even leaving the city altogether, according to a new survey of Auckland AA Members.

11 March 2016

Waikato Expressway begins last big push

Motorists can look forward to better travel times and improved safety, with the final project of the Waikato Expressway now under way. Transport Minister Simon Bridges today turned the first sod on the 21-kilometre Hamilton Section, which is the biggest-ever roading project in the Waikato, valued at about $970 million. AA President Trevor Follows says it is great to see the pieces of the Waikato Expressway coming together. “What we’re going to end up with is a 4-star highway through the heart of the Waikato,” he says. “That means faster journeys, safer driving, and more economic growth – a lot of people still don’t realise what a big win this is for the region.” Once complete, the project will reduce travel times between Auckland and south of Cambridge by up to 35 minutes, and Mr Follows says it represents excellent re-investment of fuel tax revenue. “It’s great to see the petrol tax and road user charges paid by AA Members and all motorists going towards projects that benefit the whole network,” he says. “This is going to bring the different parts of the Waikato, and the upper North Island, closer together.

24 February 2016

Collaboration on Auckland transport well on track

The AA welcomes the release today of the first report of the Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP), describing it as another important step in the collaborative approach to Auckland’s transport planning.

27 January 2016

Auckland Transport Package will help restore public confidence

As part of his State of the Nation address, Prime Minister John Key advised that the Government will formalise its funding commitment to the City Rail Link (CRL) from 2020, allowing a 2018 start date for the project. The Government will also streamline consenting for the East West Connections roading project in order to bring forward construction.

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