Lake Waikaremoana is one of New Zealand’s Great Walks, set in the heart of Te Urewera, the largest area of untouched bush in the North Island.
Take on the track over four days, or 46 kilometres around a half-circuit of the vast lake.
Waikaremoana, ‘the sea of rippling waters,’ is literally that – a shining gem, set amongst luxuriant rainforest, with abundant native birdlife and seriously spectacular scenery.
While the trail does require a reasonable level of fitness, aside from the steep climb to Panekire Bluff on the first (or last, depending which way you tackle the route) it is not too challenging.
Winding through beech, podocarp and dense kāmahi forest, you’ll pass waterfalls and sandy beach picnic spots accompanied by the song of kererū, kākā, kākāriki, and, at night, the call of morepork and North Island brown kiwi.