Read more by Michael Larsen

Ōpārara Basin: limestone caves with cathedral-like passages and magnificent arches

This is ancient, ancient land, up here.

Moria Gate Arch in remote Kahurangi National Park. © Anna Gorin

Great Coast Road: roadtripping at its best

The Wild West? Fill ’er up at Blenheim, where it says its goodbyes to State Highway 1, and hit the...

Awaroa Beach: the beach we all own

You may well not be aware of it, but we all own this beach. Well, kinda.

Camping in Golden Bay: a pristine paradise

It’s a different world, Golden Bay.

Denniston: a real ghost-town experience

A lot of folk hit Westport and then head south, where the dramatic destinations await: glaciers, mountains, that service station...

Ōkārito Lagoon: wonderful wetland wilderness

Welcome to New Zealand’s largest unmodified wetland, a natural home for waterbirds galore, who make more than a meal of...

The Lake Matheson walk: a photographer's dream

Just a 5km drive west of Fox Glacier – look, you’re in the neighbourhood, you may as well – is...

Pancake rocks and blowholes: 30 million years in the making

Travel can be, well, strange, really, which is half the point.

Franz Josef and Fox Glaciers: monuments to nature’s power and beauty

You can head to these magnificent monuments to nature’s power and beauty in high summer and feel winter closing in...

The Nelson market: homemade with heart and skill

You’re standing in a car park, holding in your hand the best sandwich ever: white bread, butter and a whitebait...

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Showing 51 - 60 of 103 results