AA Taxi Care terms and conditions
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. If you have any queries at all, phone us on 0800 734 543. We'll be happy to guide and advise you.
In these Terms and Conditions:
“AA” means The New Zealand Automobile Association Incorporated;
“AA Taxi Care Passenger Programme” means the Services provided under this programme to any Nominated Vehicle up to 2500 kg gross laden weight (GLW) at the time of breakdown, with a physical dimension not exceeding 2.44 metres in width, 7.0 metres in length and 3 metres high, and a wheel base not exceeding 1.8 metres wide;
“AA Taxi Care Light Commercial Programme” means the Services provided under this programme to any Nominated Vehicle between 2500 kg gross laden weight (GLW) and up to 5000 kg gross laden weight (GLW) at the time of breakdown, with a physical dimension not exceeding 2.44 metres in width, 7.0 metres in length and 3 metres high.
"AA Service Provider" means any person or company providing the Services at the request or direction of AA and any servant or agent of that person or company having that company’s or person's authority to provide the Services.
“Card” means the AA Taxi Care Programme card.
“Customer” means the Taxi Operator entity listed as a financial customer in whose name the AA account is maintained.
"Driver Information" means the confidential and proprietary listing of any name and address details, or any other details of Driver and the Customer provided by the Customer to AA.
“Gross Laden Weight” or “GLW” means the weight of a vehicle together with any load it is carrying, including any equipment and accessories.
“Hazardous Materials” means any substance considered explosive, flammable, poisonous, corrosive, irritating or otherwise harmful, this is at the discretion of the attending AA representative.
“Nominated Driver " means a person or a Driver who is nominated to be the recipient of the AA Taxi Care card and the associated benefits and discounts.
“Nominated Vehicle” means a motorised vehicle nominated by the Customer to have access to the Services specified and which at the time of breakdown has a valid warrant of fitness and can be legally used on New Zealand roads.
“Programme” means the Taxi Care Programme for the duration of the paid AA subscription.
“Programme Year” means the 12 month period covered by the customer’s subscription.
“Roadservice” means the service provided by the AA as outlined in the Terms and Conditions.
"Services" means the services applicable to each of the Nominated Vehicles under the relevant Programme.
“Subscription” means the fee specified for each Nominated Vehicle; the AA reserves the right to review and change subscription rates at the time of renewal in relation to the AA Roadservice usage.
“Subscription period” means the 12-month cover provided to the Nominated Vehicle which is not refundable.
“Second Tow,” means any tow after the initial recovery of the immobilised vehicle provided by the AA to the place of repair or location specified by the driver or company.
“Metro” is defined by Statistics New Zealand as Whangarei, Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Rotorua, Gisborne, Napier-Hastings, New Plymouth, Whanganui, Palmerston North, Kapiti, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch, Dunedin and Invercargill.
In these terms and conditions, singular includes plurals and vice versa and references to a gender shall include all other genders.
References to natural persons include bodies corporate and vice versa.
All dollar figures quoted are inclusive of G.S.T.
AA Taxi Care Programme Entitlements
Vehicle Towing
If the Nominated Vehicle breaks down, or has a mechanical problem that cannot be mobilised at the roadside, the AA will tow the vehicle to the nearest place of safety or repair, where arrangements for its repair can be made or where it can be safely stored to a maximum of $200.00 per incident. Vehicle storage, repair costs and any costs above the AA’s maximum contribution will be the Driver’s responsibility; and payable at the time of the incident.
Once a tow has been provided for a breakdown, any subsequent tows for the same breakdown will be at the Driver’s cost at the time of service. Where a Nominated Vehicle has been towed after hours to the Driver’s home, a storage area, or other place of repair or safety, any further towing for the same breakdown is at the Driver’s cost.
On-Tow Vehicles, e.g. trailers:
On-tow vehicles are excluded under the Programme. If an on-towed vehicle experiences a breakdown while towed by a Nominated Vehicle, and requires transportation to a repairer, the AA can organise a repair or recovery at the Driver’s cost.
Passenger Transfer
Within a metro area, if the Nominated Vehicle is unable to be mobilised and recovery of the vehicle has been provided by the AA, the AA will organise a replacement taxi to pickup and deliver the onboard passenger(s). The maximum contribution the AA will make is $60.00 per incident, maximum of $180.00 per annum; any cost above this amount will be the responsibility of the passenger.
Additional Transportation
Carriage of passengers or anything on-towed at the time of the breakdown can only be to the legal limit of the attending vehicle. Any expense as a result of additional transportation, or a return journey to pick up extra passengers or vehicles, will be your responsibility.
Please Note: Recovery of vehicles exceeding 5.5metres overall length may be subject to delays from some locations due to the unavailability of a suitable recovery vehicle.
Flat Battery
AA Service Providers will provide a battery boost and any other practical assistance at the roadside to start the Nominated Vehicle.
Faulty Battery
Where the Nominated Vehicle cannot be mobilised at roadside due to a faulty battery, therefore requiring a new battery, the AA Service Provider will offer the Driver a battery referral to AA Battery Service*.
The new battery will be offered at the same rate as an AA personal Member, and will be at the Driver’s expense and payable at the time of the incident. Where the Nominated Vehicle cannot be mobilised at roadside due to a faulty battery, and is outside AA Battery Service coverage area, a recovery to the nearest service station will be provided.
*Available in Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Palmerston North, Wellington, Christchurch.
Flat Tyre
The AA Service Provider will change a damaged tyre/wheel with the Nominated Vehicle’s serviceable spare, where it is roadworthy and compatible with the other tyres/wheels of the vehicle. Where the spare wheel is not serviceable, roadworthy or compatible, recovery to the nearest AA authorised facility to supply/repair will be provided at the Driver’s expense. All other costs associated with the tyre repair are the Driver’s responsibility.
If the tyre/ wheel is a run flat, the Driver will be assisted in determining whether it is usable. If it is not, then a recovery to the nearest facility able to supply and/ or repair the tyre/ wheel will be provided, at the expense of the Driver.
If the tyre can be inflated via the use of a tyre inflator kit, provided as standard equipment on the Nominated Vehicle, then assistance will be given to inflate the tyre. If the tyre cannot be inflated via this method then a recovery to the nearest facility able to supply and/ or repair the tyre/ wheel will be provided, at the Driver’s expense.
Incorrectly Fuelled
Where Roadservice is required as a result of a vehicle being incorrectly fuelled, a tow will be organised to the nearest place of repair or safety. Towing limitations apply.
Fuel Delivery
An AA Service Provider can deliver $20 dollars worth of petrol or $10 dollars worth of diesel if required. The cost of the fuel is the responsibility of the Driver.
Where it is not suitable for an AA Service Provider to deliver fuel, a tow to the nearest service station will be provided by the AA or its representative. Towing limitations apply.
Where the Nominated Vehicle is unable to be accessed due to lockout, the AA Service Provider will attempt to open the vehicle. The AA will not be responsible for any resulting damage.
Lost Keys
Where the Driver of a Nominated Vehicle has lost the vehicle’s keys and requires the services of a locksmith, the AA’s maximum contribution for the callout is $40 for metropolitan areas, and $100 for rural areas. This applies to the labour content only and the cost of the key will be at the Driver’s expense.
Your AA Taxi Care Programme is non-refundable and applicable to the Nominated Vehicle(s).
Programme entitlements do not cover incidents or pre-existing problems resulting in a breakdown prior to joining any AA Taxi Care package.
Transfer of Nominated Vehicles
Where a Nominated Vehicle has been sold within the Subscription period of that vehicle, the Customer shall be allowed to replace it for the remainder of the subscription period with a vehicle within the same programme provided the Nominated Vehicle had no callouts in that subscription period.
Services offered under AA Taxi Care Programme
Note: For AA Taxi Care benefits to apply, the AA must be contacted at the time of breakdown, and prior to any arrangements being made, or costs incurred.
The following services apply for the AA Taxi Care Programme unless otherwise specified elsewhere as additional benefits or exclusions:
Roadservice callouts are limited to three (3) callouts per year on each AA Taxi Care Nominated Vehicle.
Callouts in excess of the free annual limit will be charged at $60 (including GST) per callout. If towing is required on an additional callout, any towing costs will be the Driver’s responsibility.
- Each incident covered up to a maximum value of $200 including GST per Nominated Vehicle.
- Maximum annual cover per Subscription period is $400 including GST per Nominated Vehicle under the AA Taxi Care Passenger Programme.
- Maximum annual cover per Subscription period per Nominated Vehicle is $600 including GST under the AA Taxi Care Light Commercial Programme.
AA Taxi Care Programme Exclusions
- Any mechanical fault, or breakdown that occurred before, or within, 24 hours of purchasing AA Taxi Care Programme.
- When the Nominated Vehicle is unattended at the time the AA Service Provider arrives at the breakdown location.
- Nominated Vehicles not on public or formed roads, or trapped/bogged.
- When the Vehicle is disabled or damaged due to a motor vehicle accident, or stolen or damaged due to theft or vandalism.
- When the Nominated Vehicle is unregistered and/or unwarranted.
- When the nominated Vehicle of unroadworthy/unsafe or it would be dangerous or illegal for the AA Service Provider to repair, load or transport, the vehicle and/or its occupants.
- When the Driver poses a safety risk to other motorists in the opinion of the AA Service Provider.
- Vehicle parts/fuel/repairs on garage/repairer premises.
- When the Nominated Vehicle is immobilised due to the Driver’s failure to carry a serviceable spare wheel and wheel changing equipment suitable to the vehicle.
- When the Nominated Vehicle was being used for racing, pace-making, speed testing, reliability trials, competitions, or off-road activities at the time of the breakdown
- Nominated Vehicles carrying a load beyond the legal limit
- Nominated Vehicles carrying Hazardous or Perishable goods
- Where Nominated Vehicles or on-tow vehicles (e.g. trailers, caravans, or floats) are carrying livestock, this livestock must be secured by the customer or Driver before attendance by the AA Service Provider.
- When the vehicle is more than 2.44 metres wide overall, more than 3 metres high overall and/or more than 7 metres long overall.
Vehicle Restrictions for AA Taxi Care Programme
These restrictions apply to all vehicles including: private motorcars, motorcycles, light goods vehicles, motorised caravans or campervans. In order to be eligible to receive the benefits of AA Taxi Care Programme, Nominated Vehicles must be:
- Roadworthy, with a current Warrant of Fitness and registration
- Less than 2.44-meters wide overall
- Less than 3-metres high overall
- Less than 7-metres long overall
Additional Benefits - AA Taxi Care Passenger Premium
Along with the Terms and Conditions outlined under the AA Taxi Care Passenger Standard Programme, the following additional Terms and Conditions apply for AA Taxi Care Passenger Premium Programme:
Vehicle Recovery
If the Nominated Vehicle breaks down, or has a mechanical problem that cannot be mobilised at the scene, the AA will recover the vehicle to the Driver’s place of employment/company address, or a nominated repairer of the Driver’s choice anywhere in New Zealand as long as the distance is no greater than would be incurred in recovering the vehicle to the place of employment/company address. If it is required/requested for the vehicle to be towed to a location beyond the distance the AA has agreed to cover, or the vehicle requires an additional tow, it will be at the Driver’s cost. The AA does not cover transportation of a repaired vehicle.
AA Taxi Care Premium Programme On-Tow Caravan/Trailer Limits:
AA Taxi Care Premium Programme extends to caravans and trailers being towed by a Nominated Vehicle up to a maximum 7 metres in length (excluding tow-bar), 2.44 metres wide, and/or 3 metres high.
Please note: when recovery of a Nominated Vehicle is required, a caravan or trailer on-tow at the time of the breakdown may be towed by an AA Service Provider, if it can be recovered on the same journey, and it is not required to be uplifted, or carried on a transporter. If an extra trip is required, this will be at the Driver’s expense.
Breakdown Over 100kms
If the Nominated Vehicle experiences a breakdown 100km or more from the Driver’s place of employment/company address and cannot be reasonably repaired within the same business day, providing all other conditions of the AA Taxi Care Premium Programme are met, the Member shall be eligible for the following:
- Emergency Taxi: If the situation prevents the Driver from being able to travel with the Nominated Vehicle in the recovery vehicle, the AA will provide a Taxi to take the Driver and any accompanying passengers to a maximum value of $60 (additional expenses such as ferry crossing tickets are not covered)
- Emergency Accommodation: The AA will provide the Driver with suitable accommodation should the Driver wish to remain with the vehicle while it is being repaired, for up to a maximum of three nights at a value of $120 per night. This entitlement covers room hire only; all personal expenses such as meals, internet fees, mini bar, dry cleaning, etc., will be at the Driver’s expense.
- Replacement Vehicle: The AA will provide a rental vehicle as a replacement vehicle for up to a maximum of three days at a value of $120 per day to enable the Driver to continue the journey or return to base. This is subject to availability of a rental vehicle. Standard rental criteria apply*.
The AA covers the daily hire, relocation and delivery fees up to the combined daily maximum of $120; the Driver will be responsible for the running costs, petrol, optional access reduction insurance fees and any ferry crossing costs.
*Standard Rental Criteria: hire agreements require the Driver to be at least 21 years of age, have held a current Driver’s licence for a minimum of 12 months, and hold a valid credit card.
- Combined Emergency Accommodation and Replacement Vehicle: A combination of both accommodation and replacement vehicle is available for up to a maximum period of three days i.e. 1 night’s accommodation and 2 days’ car rental, up to a maximum value of $360, or $120 per day, subject to the rental and accommodation conditions as set out above. There may be an occasion whereby the Driver is required to pay for all initial costs relating to both the Replacement Vehicle and Emergency Accommodation. In these incidents the Driver should obtain tax invoices for each cost incurred and present them to the AA for a refund. Reimbursement will be made once the claim is assessed per the qualifying criteria of the programme as specified previously.
Alternative Land Transport: If it is not possible for the AA to provide a replacement vehicle for whatever reason, alternative land transport to get the Driver and accompanying passengers home will be covered up to a maximum of $360 per incident.
Additional Exclusions for AA Taxi Care Passenger/ Light Commercial Premium Programme
- AA Taxi Care Premium benefits will not be provided in the following circumstances:
- When the breakdown occurs less than 100km from the Driver’s place of employment/company address, replacement vehicle and emergency accommodation benefits do not apply.
- When repairs can be carried out on the same business day by a suitably qualified person/facility
- When the Nominated Vehicle is unregistered or unwarranted
Note: The cost of replacement vehicle parts and fuel are not included.
Your AA Taxi Care Programme categories are defined in the following table:
Programme catergory | Vehicle Weight |
AA Taxi Care Passenger | Up to 2,500kg GLW |
AA Taxi Care Light Commercial | Over 2,500kg and up to 5,000kg GLW |
AA Taxi Care Passenger Premium | Up to 2,500kg GLW |
AA Taxi Care Light Commercial Premium | Over 2,500kg and up to 5,000kg GLW |
Right of Termination
The AA reserves the right to terminate the customer’s AA Taxi Care Programme by giving the customer seven days’ written notice if the AA deems that the customer has abused the Programme or has breached the terms and conditions of this Programme.
Quality Control
The AA endeavours to ensure all sub-contracted providers are registered with their appropriate trade or professional body and have the necessary qualifications to provide products or services to a standard acceptable to the AA and AA customers. Please contact the AA immediately if you are unhappy in any way with a referral made by us to an independent contractor and we will endeavour to correct your dissatisfaction and/or offer you the choice of an alternative provider.
The AA endeavours to provide the full range of benefits and services outlined in this brochure in good faith. However, it cannot be held responsible for consequential loss or damage resulting from acts, events and circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the AA, including industrial disputes, strikes, flood conditions, adverse weather conditions, geographic inaccessibility and the absence or unavailability of subcontractors which may delay, interfere with or prevent the provision of some or all of the services outlined in this brochure.
Your Privacy Rights
Personal information relating to AA Taxi Care Programme is held securely and will not be disclosed to any other person or organisation unless authorised by the customer. Customers also have the right to access and correct the information at any time.
I understand that the information provided by me/us may be used by the AA for administrative purposes and for the purpose of providing me/us with information relating to products and services from time to time. For this purpose the New Zealand Automobile Association (AA) includes itself/any division, subsidiary, third party under contract, or joint venture companies including but not limited to AA Financial Services and AA Insurance.
For more information on AA Business Services call 0800 734 543 during office hours or visit aa.co.nz