Site information
If you aren't able to find the information you are looking for here then please try the search box in the top right of the page or contact us.
Your account
Register or login to MyAA to manage your AA Membership, and ask questions or comment and post reviews online.
Contact us
If you need to contact us for any reasons here is a list of the best people to speak with across a wide range of aspects of the association, including media spokespeople.
AA Shop
AA Shop is the place to buy first aid and emergency kits for your car, travel guides, L plates as well as the perfect gift - AA Membership!
Not sure how to use the website? Find FAQs, login and registration help, and how to search the site. Please contact us if you can’t find the help you need.
Terms and conditions
By using the AA website you agree to these terms and conditions.
The AA’s sitemap in an easy to navigate layout showing all pages of the AA website.