
About 614 results for

  • Am I covered for working overseas?

    Yes, manual work is covered as long as it is not heavy manual or hazardous work. (Please note that whilst working, Section 3 Accidental death and Permanent Disablement & Section 5 Personal Liability are excluded).

  • If my grandmother was ill when I purchased my travel insurance policy, and I had to cancel my trip because she died, would I be covered for Loss of Deposits?

    No. We only cover for Loss of Deposits if the event is unexpected. Unfortunately, in this case, you were already aware of your grandmothers illness.

  • Are skiing and snowboarding covered under the comprehensive travel insurance policy?

    Yes, provided it is not professional and it is not whilst training or competing. Recreational skiing and snowboarding is fine as long as it is within the boundaries of the ski field and is not extreme or in remote areas.

  • I have a pre-existing medical condition, but it is just mild asthma. Do I need to declare it?

    There are certain pre-existing conditions that are automatically covered under the comprehensive travel policy. Please answer ‘Yes’ to the question asked on our system regarding any pre-existing medical conditions that you may have. You will then be directed to contact our medical team to assess cover for your condition. In most cases mild medical conditions are covered under the policy free of charge.

  • Am I covered to drive a private car overseas?

    When a car is not a rental vehicle, there is no cover for vehicle excess. There is also no cover for liability protection or loss or damage to the car. This requires vehicle, not travel insurance. Your Travel Insurance does cover medical injury, loss, or damage to your baggage and your accidental death or permanent disablement.

  • How will using the AA Roadservice mobile app benefit me?

    The iPhone app gives you the ability to immediately book a roadside breakdown callout without delay, watch the status of the callout update as it is assigned to a service provider, and send comments back to the service provider while you wait for them.
  • If I have an iPhone 3 could I get some of the features and not others?

    No you can’t unfortunately.
  • How big is the app?

    The iPhone version is approximately 11Mb and the Android version is approximately 4MB.

  • Can the same Membership be set up on a number of phones?

    Yes, though only one roadside breakdown callout at a time per Member can be logged.
  • Is there a limit to the updates I can send in for my callout?

    There is no limit on the updates you can supply through the app.

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