
About 614 results for

  • How much will a service cost at an AA Auto Service & Repair outlet?

    We have a variety of service packages.
  • Does AA Auto Service & Repair service European cars?

    Yes. We provide the same, or better, service guarantees and warranties as European dealers.
  • Where does AA Auto Service & Repair get parts from?

    We get our parts from reputable manufacturers or local suppliers.
  • Can AA Auto Centre provide a quote or estimate for a specific part or job?

    Yes - in some situations we can do this on the phone. For a more accurate quote come in and see us. We'll look at the part or repair and assess the work involved.

  • How is a life insurance claim made if someone has passed away?

    If a policy holder has passed away, the named administrator looking after their estate should inform AA Life by calling toll free on 0800 808 175 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. They will also need to provide details around the policy holder's death.

  • How do I pay my AA Life Insurance premiums?

    Premiums can be paid monthly by direct debit and credit card. Alternatively premiums can be paid quarterly, half-yearly or annually by direct debit, credit card or cheque.

  • How long are the AA Loan terms?

    Our terms are flexible, ranging from six months to five years.

  • Can I apply for an AA Loan with a learner driver licence?

    No, the minimum driver licence we require is a restricted licence.

  • Can I apply for an AA Loan if I have a bad credit history?

    Apply for a loan with us and we'll assess your application. If we're not able to offer you finance, we may be able to recommend another finance company to deal with.

  • What information is provided in a Vehicle History Report?

    Vehicle information is analysed and alerts created for any of the 42 checks performed to give you a clear picture of what you are buying, including:

    • If any money is owing on the vehicle - Will you inherit someone else's debt? Is the vehicle about to be repossessed?
    • Whether the vehicle has been reported stolen - or is of interest to the police
    • The possibility of odometer fraud - Have the odometer readings been inconsistent or flagged by NZ customs as unreliable?
    • Whether the vehicle has ever been deregistered - or is an insurance write-off
    • The ownership history - Are you buying from the current owner? How many owners has the vehicle had? Is it an ex-rental?
    • Whether it is legally roadworthy - Has the WOF, registration/license, or diesel tax expired or due to expire?
    • Whether there's a history of water/fire damage - Has NZ customs deemed the vehicle to be water or fire damaged?
    • Fuel economy, safety and emissions ratings - How does the vehicle compare? (available for most late model light vehicles)

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