Your Timezone AA Member Benefit just got FOUR TIMES Bigger.

From now until 31 March AA Members can get 4x20 minutes FREE Time Play* at any Timezone to use on 1,2,3 or 4 visits. That's right! Use it as you like. Treat yourself or the whole whānau- it's completely up to you!  

Don't forget to take your AA Membership card and present it to the Timezone FUN Squad on arrival. 

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Haven't got your Timezone AA Member Benefit voucher code? 

We've recently delivered a whole bunch of Timezone AA Member Benefit voucher codes directly to Members' inboxes so make sure to check your inbox first. Members need to have opted in to receive emails from us, so we can send them directly to your inbox! If you can't find it, simply email us at online@aa.co.nz with your query, full name and AA Membership number and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

How often will I get my unique Timezone AA Member Benefit voucher code? 

We'll be sending out your Timezone AA Member Benefit unique voucher codes direct to your inbox every quarter up to 4 times per year** so it's really important to have your permissions set up correctly.

Not sure if your email permissions are set up right, or have a query? 

Email us at online@aa.co.nz with your query, full name and AA Membership number and we'll get back to you as soon as we can during normal business hours, Monday to Friday. 

Where can I use my Timezone AA Member Benefit?

Use your Timezone AA Member Benefit at over 18 locations nationwide, at a Timezone or Zone Bowling venue near you.

Don’t forget to check your inbox for future Timezone AA Member Benefit unique voucher code drops so you can immerse yourself in captivating games, compete in exhilarating challenges, and experience virtual reality adventures, all on us. 

 Find out more

Terms and conditions

*Free Time Play is limited to Red and Yellow Swiper games only, no tickets are awarded.

**Your Timezone AA Member Benefit unique voucher codes will be available to you every quarter, up to 4 times per year. Vouchers codes will only be valid for the quarter they are allocated in. See voucher code expiry dates in the Timezone FUN App. One voucher code redeemable per AA Membership number, per Timezone Account. 

Acceptance of Timezone's terms and conditions is required to access the AA Member Benefit. See here for details timezonegames.com/en-nz/terms-conditions 

All AA Member queries can be directed to online@aa.co.nz