Be in to win a $300 Tony Sly pottery voucher with AA Directions.

Be in to win a $300 Tony Sly pottery voucher with AA Directions.

Win a Tony Sly pottery voucher

AA Directions has a Tony Sly Pottery voucher valued at $300 to give away.

The bowls, jugs, mugs and vases of the Tony Sly Pottery collection are brought to life on the wheel between the maker’s own fingers; each piece is handled about 23 times over a three- to four-week period.

With a distinctive shape and generous coatings of glaze in rich, earthy tones – chalky whites, creamy blues and forest greens evocative of Raglan’s coastal landscape, Tony Sly’s creations are a labour of love.

Beautiful handmade bowls by Tony Sly.
Beautiful handmade bowls by Tony Sly.

AA Directions has a Tony Sly Pottery voucher valued at $300 and redeemable online or in store at Auckland’s Newmarket or Raglan wharf to give away. 

To enter, fill in your details in the form below by 11.59pm on June 30, 2025.