Radha Patel may be a Year 13 student at Auckland’s Western Springs College, but she has packed more into her 18 years with regards to ecological and humanitarian causes than most of us do in a lifetime.
Currently in her final year of high school, Radha is studying history, geography, Mandarin, environmental sustainability and health. “I chose a broad range of subjects because I’m interested in so many different things. While I don’t have a solid plan for next year, I do know I want to be involved in important issues.”
As to what those important issues are, Radha is referring to sustainability and humanitarian causes, a path she embarked on aged 11 when she joined Ponsonby Intermediate’s environmental group, Ecowarriors. “We learned about things like climate change, and we also helped spread awareness by presenting at assemblies and making posters about everything from waste reduction to sea level rise.”

18-year-old Radha Patel is a staunch advocate for sustainable transport. Photo by Jessie Casson.
Since then, Radha has been devoting her time and energy to a range of organisations including Kelmarna Community Gardens, Auckland University’s Animal rights group, Engage, and Sunday Blessings, a charity that serves hot meals to unhoused people in Auckland’s CBD. The busy teen also finds time for field hockey, badminton, debating and Peace Ambassadors.
When asked what inspires her to be so public-spirited, Radha has a simple answer. “When you see someone in need or having a hard time you simply have to help if you have the capacity. It’s a matter of empathy.”
Radha’s drive to do good saw her volunteer for The Green Party at the last general election. “The Green Party appeals to me because they focus on important issues with compassion. Even though they don’t have the money or the backing some parties have, the Greens have a really strong sense of community.”
Radha intends to volunteer at the next election, when she’ll be voting for the first time too. “I’m so excited to be voting, as it means my involvement matters a tiny bit more, and I‘ll be ensuring all my friends enrol too.”
Connecting with people who are passionate about social causes helps Radha stay inspired and informed. With that in mind, Radha attended last January’s Ōtaki Summer Camp, a residential event for 17-30 year olds interested in politics, justice, anti-racism, equality and the environment. “One really clear message I took from Ōtaki, is that social and environmental issues are interconnected, and you can’t solve one without addressing the other. Which is why it’s vital that governments help people living with hardship, rather than seeking to blame them.”

Radha Patel is lending her voice to social and sustainability causes. Photo by Jessie Casson.
During her time at high school Radha has attended climate strikes, she’s been on a Blake Inspire Leadership Course in Rotorua and she attends Western Springs College Board of Trustees meetings as the student-elected representative. She is also a driving force with her school’s Travel Wise chapter, an Auckland Transport programme that aims to make school travel safer, healthier and more fun by reducing congestion and speeds around schools.
As a member of Travel Wise, Radha took a petition to an Auckland Council local board meeting last year. The petition supported building a pedestrian crossing on Meola Road, a busy thoroughfare near the school, with the intention of making it safer for students who travel by bus. And while many rangitahi might find presenting at that level intimidating, Radha didn’t. “I just went in intending to do my best. I decided that if they didn’t agree the crossing was an important project, the fault lay with them. Although one board member did tell me I hadn’t done my homework, and someone else asked about carparking, which was ironic as we were talking about getting cars off the road and slowing traffic down.”
The good news is the crossing has been greenlit and work will be completed just as she graduates, but Radha doesn’t feel like she did anything particularly special. “Everyone cares to some extent, but not everyone has the capacity to help. Maybe that’s partly because – with climate change at least – some people think things have gone too far and there’s nothing they can do. That's why it’s so important to inform people about climate change, but at the same time give them hope, because there are still so many things we can do.”

18-year-old Radha Patel has championed road safety for her school in Auckland. Photo by Jessie Casson.
In spite of everything she’s achieved, Radha brushes off any suggestion that she is exceptional. “When I see an issue, I want to help solve it, but I don’t think much about why I do these things. I also understand that it’s really easy for people to get caught up in life and family and work, but it’s also important to have a sense of community because we’re all in this together and because I am in a position to do something, it seems like the right thing to do.”
And while Radha has yet to decide what specific path she’ll take next year, one thing is certain, whatever she does do, her chosen field will be very lucky to have her.
Story by Elisabeth Easther, photos by Jessie Casson for the Winter 2023 of AA Directions magazine.
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