Bree TN

Come on in! A look inside the New Zealand home

What does home mean to you? We meet some New Zealanders who generously opened their homes to us, revealing a huge range of what ‘home’ means to people – and why it matters to all of them.

Malcolm Law TN1

Q&A with trail runner Mal Law

Wānaka-based Mal Law woke one morning and made it his mission to be anything but ordinary.

Canopy Tours TN

Push the limits

Go on, take a risk! Throw yourself off a zipline platform, leap out of a plane, ride a horse to see the view or dive into the blue. New Zealand is well known for its high-action tourist attractions; thousands of people from around the globe come here seeking thrills. But pushing the limit of your usual comfort zone needn’t involve fear. A multi-day hike, a kayak adventure on the Waitematā Harbour, or experiencing an event for the first time might also fit the description.
Here’s a selection to inspire your summer planning.

QA tn

Q&A with Claire Conza

Founder of Make Give Live, Claire Conza, is spreading warm fuzzies, one beanie at a time.

Feature hot pools tn

Staying on the sunny side

Life hacks for winter - how to get through the colder months.


Q&A with Derek Handley

AA Directions magazine speaks with entrepreneur, Derek Handley, about the importance of connecting with our communities.

Feature TN

We can be heroes

Solving problems is a big part of how we operate every day. Mostly, we barely notice that we’re even facing a problem – we just go ahead and tackle it, without missing a beat. At other times, of course, they are more challenging. Some problems need an inventive, resourceful approach.
Here, we talk to some inspiring Kiwis who found creative solutions to tricky challenges. To a degree, they’re heroes.


Q&A with Bill Hohepa

Fishing guru, Bill Hohepa, shares his secrets of landing the perfect catch.

DOC walk TN

Take it easy

Ten ways to simplify summer.

Pest free TN

Defending our free land

The journey to make New Zealand predator free by 2050 has begun.

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