Nelson family TN

Welcome home! Returning Kiwis share why they're back

When the chips are down, you go home. That’s what happened last year, when thousands of New Zealanders returned, many of them permanently, in a very understandable response to the global pandemic.

Freeman Farms TN1

Anything's possible

Schemes to support new businesses and new careers, spaces to learn new skills, lessons and insights from entrepreneurs pivoting in times of upheaval – this feature focuses on opportunity.


Q&A with Sarah Colcord

When Sarah Colcord created the New Zealand Made Products Facebook page in her South Auckland bedroom during the nationwide lockdown, she presented businesses and individuals with an opportunity to not only survive, but to thrive.


Q&A with Doug Avery

Aka The Resilient Farmer

Gelato TN

Country Side: Celebrating Rural New Zealand

If we don’t live there, we at least drive through it all the time.


Q&A with Lisa Murray

Keen paddle boarder, ocean swimmer and Head of Weather Communications at MetService, Lisa Murray, is looking forward to the good old Kiwi summer. She shares what’s forecast.

Relaxing at Camp Glenorchy TN

Broaden your horizons

How can you get more from travelling? We put that question to the test and discovered that digging deeper and gaining more from New Zealand experiences is relatively easy. Join a guided tour, take time to research, be interested in new things; however you add a layer to your adventures, it will be worth the effort. Open your mind to new possibilities – that’s what travel is good for.


Q&A with Tim Meldrum

Emirates Team New Zealand designer, Tim Meldrum, is one of the very clever minds behind the innovative and state-of-the-art boat that will race for the 2021 America’s Cup.
He shares how technology has revolutionised the sport.

Feature tn

New Zealand's future: What's in store for tomorrow?

We look at a few changes coming our way.


Q&A with Claire Szabo

Habitat for Humanity New Zealand Chief Executive, Claire Szabo, sheds light on the importance of a healthy, happy home.

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