It's important to understand the road rules around bus lanes.

It's important to understand the road rules around bus lanes.

Road rules: understanding bus lanes

We explain the rules around using bus lanes and how to avoid incurring a fine.

Many road users get confused about the rules governing bus lanes. Unauthorised use of a bus lane can result in a $150 infringement fee. One Wellington bus lane camera racked up almost a quarter of a million dollars in fines between December 2024 and January 2025; high numbers of fines have been forked out for breaking the bus lane rules in Auckland and Christchurch, too.

Individual councils take care of local bus lane installation and management. Generally, bus lanes are identified by green road markings.

It's important to understand the rules around bus lanes.
Avoid a fine – learn when you can and can't drive in a bus lane.

There are two types of bus lanes in New Zealand: bus-only lanes and standard bus lanes:

  • Bus-only Lanes are reserved exclusively for buses. Unauthorised vehicles are always prohibited. They have ‘bus only’ written on the road.
  • Standard Bus Lanes can be used by bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, mopeds and in-service taxis as well as buses.
  • Both types of bus lanes can operate for variable hours. Some operate 24/7 but others only on certain days and certain hours.
  • Drivers need to look out for signs showing what dates and times the bus lane operates.
  • Outside of those hours, all road users are free to use the bus lane as a normal lane.
  • If there a no signs showing times of operation, then it is a 24/7 bus lane.

Also important to understanding are the rules around when and where you can enter and exit a bus lane:

  • Drivers may enter a bus lane ‘briefly’ – up to 50 metres (the equivalent of ten cars or four bus lengths) – before turning into a side road, a driveway or another lane. Be sure to stay within the 50-metre limit and take care that any manoeuvre does not impede authorised vehicles in the lane.
  • Stopping or parking in bus lanes during their operational hours is prohibited unless driving a permitted vehicle or in an emergency.
  • If in doubt, stay out of the bus lane and stick to the regular traffic lane where possible, observe posted lane signage and follow the stop and park rules to avoid fines. 

Story by Ben Whittacker-Cook for the Autumn 2025 issue of AA Directions Magazine. Ben Whittacker-Cook is a freelance writer who regularly contributes to AA Directions Magazine.

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