Car shopping 01

Colour Coded

Which are the most popular car colours? Which are the safety? Lyndsay Lockie goes shopping to find out.


Sale Away

Donovan Edwards shares some simple tips on maximising your car's resale potential.

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Plugged in

Press the ‘power’ button and you don’t hear a thing. The dash lights up with all kinds of messages, but there’s no whirring starter motor, and no engine noise at all...

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Don't kick the tyres

There's more to buying a used car than just kicking the tyres. AA Motoring expert Donavan Edwards shares his tips and tricks.

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Driving in a Quake

What would you do if you were in your car when an earthquake struck? We give you some tips for staying safe.

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Reading the Road

Peter King looks at a study by the AA Research Foundation, which examines how road users evaluate risk.

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Beyond the limits

Peter King explores whether varying speed limits will help to make our roads safer.

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Blast from the past

Donovan Edwards dips into the world of privately-owned car museums, including the Packard and Pioneer Museum in Whangarei.

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A Licence to Thrive

We investigate a new mentoring programme that is getting results in helping young drivers get their licence.


Big Dreams

Ben Johnson is obsessed with American classic cars. He tells us about his ever-expanding collection.

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