So you have finally crossed Funeral Cover off on your to-do-list and now have a policy in place – great news! However, you may be asking yourself – what next? . . .
We understand it's a huge life-changing event becoming a parent. Suddenly you have a child that depends on you to keep them safe and ensure they have everything they need . . .
Trust us - we get it, it can be a bit strange and uncomfortable to think about not being on this earth and the impact that might have on your loved ones (cue a few sideways glances to each other). However, making time to sort out your will can bring you a calming peace of mind.
From emotionally charged monologues to iconic scenes depicting lifes' big events - films have the ability to connect with us and reflect the roller coaster of this thing we call life.
We know, we know….nobody really celebrates reaching a big milestone by checking their insurance policies. But this can be a great time to 'check-in' as changes in your life can have a significant impact on life insurance.
So you have finally crossed life insurance off your to-do-list and now have a policy in place – nice one! However, you may be asking yourself – what next?
From the quirky to the sporty, artsy to the outdoorsy, New Zealand offers an abundance of experiences that will thrill you, entertain you and often, change you.
It's 3am and all is quiet in the house except for the ear-piercing cries of your precious bundle of joy. Sound familiar? Fear not, we've roped in baby whisperer extraordinaire Dorothy Waide to share an extract from her book Simply Parenting: From 12 weeks to 12 months