Your home and belongings are likely to be your most valuable and precious possessions. That's why it's a good idea to have the protection of AA Insurance. Our policies provide great benefits to protect your home and belongings so you can rest assured knowing that we’ve got you fully covered.
Tell us if you're a personal AA Member and you can receive a discount on selected policies based on how long you've been a Member.
With Home Insurance you can rest easy. That's because if the worst does happen and your home is damaged, we'll help you get through it with as little stress as possible.
What makes your house your home is the people and belongings inside it. And when you have a home full of treasured belongings, you'll want the protection of Contents Insurance.
Whether your home is full of electronics, sports gear or retro furniture, Renters Insurance protects you and your valued belongings when you’re renting or flatting.
Your home and belongings are likely to be your most valuable assets, so it makes sense you‘d want to look after them. When both your home and contents are covered by Home & Contents Insurance, you’ll not only get protection for the things that really matter, you’ll only pay one excess - the highest applicable excess - when you claim on multiple policies for one event.
With Landlord Insurance you can rest easy. That’s because we’re here to protect what’s important – your investment and income. Your rental property is covered for accidental damage and loss of rent, with other optional benefits to suit you and your budget.
This page is only a summary of key benefits, and application for cover is subject to underwriting acceptance. For full details, exclusions and limitations, please read the policy document.
*AA Member discounts are available when you take out or renew an eligible policy and provide us with your valid personal AA Membership number.
> Find out more about Home Insurance at AA Insurance
> Find out more about Contents Insurance at AA Insurance
> Find out more about Landlord Insurance at AA Insurance
> Find out more about Renters Insurance at AA Insurance
> AA Insurance terms and conditions
> AA Member discount on AA Insurance Products terms and conditions
Policy Wordings:
> View Home Insurance Policy Document