A couple inside a car

Car & Vehicle Insurance

Compare and buy car insurance at aainsurance.co.nz

At AA Insurance, we understand what motorists need.

That’s why we offer three different levels of car insurance to choose from, so you can select the one that best fits your needs - and your pocket.

Tell us if you're a personal AA Member and you can receive a discount on selected policies based on how long you've been a Member.

We’re also proud to be voted New Zealand’s most trusted brand for Car, Home and Contents Insurance in the Reader’s Digest trusted brands survey.


*AA Member discounts are available when you take out or renew an eligible policy and provide us with your valid personal AA Membership number.

Our cover

AA has you covered with Comprehensive Car Insurance. You get Agreed Value cover & a lifetime repair guarantee.

Third Party Car Insurance protects you in case you accidentally damage someone else’s car or property.

AA Insurance offers policies for motorbikes & vintage or classic cars. 


What to do if you're in a car accident

If you’re in an accident, your insurer is ready to help. Read the AA’s tips & advice for what to do after an accident.

You can receive an AA Member Discount based on how long you've been an AA Member.*