If you need a home inspection, AA Home can help. Our partner Betta Group will provide you with detailed information about your property so you can make well-informed decisions.
AA Home has various home inspection services on offer. Find out more and book online.
- Healthy Home Inspection
- Pre-Purchase/Sale Building Inspections
- Rental Property Inspections
- Methamphetamine Testing
- Asbestos Testing
Plus AA Members, AA Insurance Policy Holders, and AA Home Response subscribers receive a 10% discount on the initial estimated callout price on Pre-Purchase/Sale Building Inspections, Healthy Homes Inspections, and Rental Property Inspections and a 5% discount on Methamphetamine Testing and Asbestos Testing services.
To access your discount, enter your Membership, Subscription or Policy number during the booking process.
Your online estimate
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Easy and convenient online booking process
Complete your booking in just a few minutes.
- Select the inspection type, provide a brief description and include photos if possible.
- Schedule a time that works for you by selecting two preferred time windows.
- Confirm your details, address and get a price estimate.
- Your booking is now complete!
Healthy Home Inspections
Ensuring healthy homes compliance has never been easier
From 1 July 2025, all rental properties must comply with the Government’s healthy homes standards, which establish minimum requirements for rental properties for heating, insulation, ventilation, draught stopping and moisture ingress and drainage.
Landlords must ensure their rental properties meet these standards on an ongoing basis. If a property is non-compliant, the tenant can apply to the Tenancy Tribunal for a monetary order and/or a work order and the Tribunal may award a financial penalty of up to $4,000 against the landlord.
The AA Home healthy homes inspection service, conducted by Betta Property Compliance, is designed to help property owners know whether their rental property meets the regulations. The comprehensive report includes a traffic light rating for each area plus supporting photographs, areas for improvement, and any work required to ensure compliance. Once the property complies with the healthy home standards, a certificate of compliance will be provided.
Pre-Purchase/Sale Building Inspections
Pre-purchase/sale building inspection reports are important before making an offer on a property. It helps buyers feel confident with what they are purchasing, assists in the sale process and provides transparency. Also, it is often required by a bank and insurance company when purchasing a property.
The home inspection report offered by Betta Inspect It on behalf of AA Home is both comprehensive and easy to understand. It consists of a concise summary page, followed by a "traffic light" rating system indicating the level of concern for various issues. The report also includes photographs of major defects and maintenance concerns, ensuring you have a clear visual representation of any potential problems giving you the peace of mind to protect yourself and your family from the unknown. These reports are readily accepted by banks and lending institutions.
All the inspectors hold full industry qualifications and carry full Professional Indemnity Insurance and Public Liability coverage.
We provide detailed reports customised for your home:
- Outline major defects and significant maintenance issues.
- Provide photographic evidence of any defects or issues noted.
- Articulate the building inspectors’ level of concern via a ‘traffic light’ system.
- Be written with complete independence to provide comfort and peace of mind.
- Compliant with the NZ Standard for Residential Property Inspections.
- Quick turn-around time.
Rental Property Inspections
Rental property inspections to help you comply with new laws
The rental property inspection report offered by Betta Property Compliance on behalf of AA Home is both comprehensive and easy to understand. It consists of a concise summary page, followed by a "traffic light" rating system indicating the level of concern for various issues.
The inspector can do a one-off inspection, or it can be done on a regular basis at periods stipulated by you.
Rental property inspections undertaken by a professional to make life easy.
- Rental property inspection undertaken by an independent party so there is no conflict between you and the tenant.
- Compliance with your insurance requirements
- Full documentation for Tenancy Tribunal
- Tax deductible expense
- No regular site visits required by you
Methamphetamine Testing
Are you satisfied your potential home or investment property does not have hidden methamphetamine or ‘P’ contamination problem?
A Meth testing report will give you the certainly that there is not a meth issue with your property or potential investment. As part of the meth testing offered by Betta Inspect It on behalf of AA Home, inspectors will take swab samples from high-risk locations throughout the property using a methanol dampened gauze swab provided by an IANZ accredited laboratory. These are then couriered to an IANZ accredited laboratory operating to NZS ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard for processing and testing for the presence of methamphetamine.
The lab will report their findings back to the inspector via a lab sheet. The inspector will then complete your report and release this to you, via a secure web link.
Methamphetamine testing to give you peace of mind about your potential home or investment property.
- The report will be completed by trained testing agents and tested by an independent IANZ accredited lab.
- Photographs of areas sampled for complete clarity and easy to understand report.
- Provided within a quick time frame.
Asbestos Testing
Living alongside asbestos is dangerous for your health.
If you own a home or are purchasing a property built before January 2000 with any fibre cement-based products or a textured ceiling, the property may contain asbestos. Our asbestos testing offered by Betta Inspect It on behalf of AA Home will remove any doubt.
Getting these potentially harmful products tested will ensure you are not taking any unnecessary risks and you will know exactly what disruptions and financials costs you could be up for.
Asbestos testing ensures you and your family are kept safe from any potential health effects associated with asbestos.
- All samples are tested by an IANZ Accredited lab.
- Completely independent testing process ensuring you are protected.
- Is undertaken by industry-trained testing agents.
- The areas where samples have been removed are sealed after testing to ensure you and your family do not suffer any potential health implications from the removal of the sample.
- The report is easy to read and understand.