

AA Home

We will either fix the problem on the spot (almost 70% of the time) or make temporary repairs to ensure your home is safe and secure until you are able to organise further repairs.

If your emergency requires additional repairs we will give you expert advice on what should be done next and, if you wish, we will arrange for a qualified tradesperson to offer a free no-obligation quote on the work for you.

Yes. Both AA Home Response and AA Home Response Plus are available to all residential properties of homeowners where the service is available. This includes investment properties and holiday homes. Please check to see if the service is offered in your area yet.

By signing up to AA Home Response or AA Home Response Plus, you authorise AA Home to accept callout requests with respect to the nominated property from any persons at the nominated property at the time when service is required.

Yes. You can get immediate assistance if you pay for an AA Home Response subscription and then for a call out. Please find our tradespeople hourly details on our website.

However, if you purchase an AA Home Response Plus subscription there is a 24 hour stand down period before you can use one of the six callouts included in your subscription. For immediate assistance please call us on 0800 AA HOME (0800 224 663).

Simply call 0800 AA HOME (0800 224 663) and we’ll update your details straight away. You can change your nominated address once a year.

Yes, you can purchase multiple AA Home Response or AA Home Response Plus subscriptions to cover different residential properties you own. You can either sign up online, or by calling 0800 AA HOME (0800 224 663)

No. An AA Home subscription cannot be transferred or assigned to another person.

We can only refund your subscription in limited circumstances. Please refer to the AA Home Terms and Conditions for further details. 

AA Home Response and AA Home Response Plus do not replace your insurance. You will need to contact your insurer if you wish to make a claim related to the damage you’ve called AA Home about.

Your insurance cover works in much the same way as it normally would when you make a claim, so you should check your policy or talk to your insurer.
If you are an AA Insurance customer you will be covered for accidental loss or damage to your home and contents as per the terms of your policy. You will still need to ring AA Insurance to make a claim.

If you’re not happy with the service that you’ve received from a tradesperson or if the repair did not meet your expectations, please call us on 0800 AA HOME (0800 224 663). We want you to be completely happy with this product, so will take your feedback very seriously.