About our Tradespeople - Terry Myers


Terry Myers from Terry Myers Electrical

AA Home Response contractor Terry Myers says being able to provide professional and unbiased advice in regards to electricity and safety to customers for their homes or business is something that he cherishes  the most.


Tell us something about yourself. Your background, passion etc..  
Kia ora my name is Terry Myers and I am an electrician that has recently started working for myself after the first Covid19 lock down last year. I have a passion for excellence and safety in my everyday work and love the electrical industry and the opportunities it has provided me so far.

How long you have been in this business? When did you join AA Home Response? 
I have been in the electrical business for 10+ years with experience in light industrial commercial and domestic electrical installations and maintenance. I first signed up with the AA Team in September and have been a part of the AA book a job from its start up.

How has business been since your company became a contractor with AA Home Response? 
I have noticed a big increase in jobs and repeat business with AA customers this includes both emergency and scheduled jobs.

Describe a typical day on the job…
A typical day doing AA home jobs might start with me logging into my AA service portal to check what jobs I have on today. After following AA home procedures such as letting customers know I'm on the way by pressing en-route on the service portal and getting the customer to sign that I've arrived and explained the quoted price that they have accepted, i would then proceed to complete the job required or provide an upfront quote for further repairs. After the customer has signed off on the completed work i could then be off to my next AA  job or onto other private work.

What are the best bits? 
Some of the best bits I've found while working with the amazing AA team are their great communication skills and also the organizational abilities that allow all the AA teams jobs to run smoothly from the booking process all the way to invoicing and payment of jobs. 

Give us some story / experience that you cherish…  
I really enjoy helping people out with AA jobs from big repairs such as power lines coming off an old couples house to simple fuse wire replacements and lamp replacements in hard to reach light fittings, however I think being able to provide AA customers with professional and unbiased advice in regards to electricity and safety in their houses and businesses is something that I cherish.  

 AA Home Response connects you with reliable AA Home Tradespeople 24/7, 365 days a year, for those unexpected emergencies around the home.