Inside of an AA Centre

About the eyesight test

The eyesight test is necessary to get a driver licence and to renew your licence. It is available at your local AA Licensing Agent.

AA Centre

The eyesight test aims to make sure that you can see well enough to drive. It will pick up a blurry or ‘lazy eye’, or poor side vision.

The eye test isn’t as comprehensive as what you might receive from an optometrist; you’ll simply be asked to look into the testing station – read a particular row of text and identify when you see lights flashing in your peripheral vision – it generally only takes a few minutes to complete.

Who is the eyesight test for?

Your eyesight will be checked by a driver licensing agent:

  • when you apply for a licence, a new licence class or a new licence endorsement
  • each time you renew your licence

To make this easy, our AA Licensing Agents have the equipment to give you a basic eyesight test provided you have vision in both eyes. If you wear glasses or contact lenses when driving, you can wear them for the restricted licence test and your driver licence will show you need them to drive.

Inside of an AA Centre

What happens if my eyesight doesn’t pass the eyesight test?

Almost 97% of people pass the eyesight test. If you don’t pass, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have a problem with your eyes. It just means you’ll have to get an eyesight certificate from your doctor or optometrist.

If you need an eyesight certificate, you will need to make an appointment to visit a certified medical professional or optometrist.

For more information please read about vision and driving.

Come to your local AA Licensing Agent for all your driver licence needs

At your local AA Licensing Agent you can:

  • Apply for and renew a driver licence
  • Pay all driver licensing fees
  • Book all driver licence tests and pay the fee for every test
  • Do the learner licence test 
  • Have your driver licence photo and signature taken

AA Members get a free eye examination at Specsavers!

AA Members are entitled to receive a FREE eye examination at Specsavers once every two years – valued at $60. PLUS your AA Membership card also gives you access to a wide range of exclusive Member benefits and discounts.

Never worry about being stranded on the roadside

Locked out of your vehicle, need a jump-start, replacement battery, wheel change or even emergency fuel drop?

New AA Members enjoy six free AA Roadside callouts per year – our national AA Service Response Centre operates 24/7 and we’re usually by your side within the hour.

Don’t have a car yet? Don’t worry, your AA Membership covers whichever car you are in – even if you are in a friend's car! PLUS AA Membership also gives you access to a wide range of exclusive AA Member Benefits and discounts.