A man and woman smiling in the front seat of a car

Driver training for fully licensed drivers

AA Driver’s Seat / AA Te Kaiurungi is a structured programme ​to help keep you safe on New Zealand roads.​

From our Defensive Driving Course, to our Senior Driver Coaching sessions, we offer a range of driver training options for experienced drivers needing driving lessons.

Get the skills, knowledge and awareness to be a smarter and safer driver. Learn defensive driving skills. 

Learn from qualified AA Driving Instructors and develop your skills, knowledge and awareness, all in the safety of a dual controlled AA Driving School car. 

​Refresh your driving skills with a qualified AA Instructor using your own car. This session focuses on aspects that you as an experienced driver want covered. Regain your confidence on the road.

​A free driver training coaching session for AA Members aged 74 and over.

​Become aware of changes that could impact your driving safety. Learn about regularly assessing your own driving skills and abilities.​ 

AA Driving School instructor smiling infront of an AA Motoring Driving School car.

Become an AA Member to receive FREE Coaching Sessions!* 

AA Members Save $15 on their Driving Lessons and Coaching Sessions. If you’re under AA Member aged 74+ years, you’ll receive a FREE Coaching Session once every two years!​

Coaching Session (1hr) Aged 65+ $85 $70 $15
Coaching Session (1hr) Aged 74+ Not available $0* $85

Never worry about being stranded on the roadside

Locked out of your vehicle, need a jump-start, replacement battery, wheel change or even emergency fuel drop?

New AA Members enjoy six free AA Roadside callouts per year – our national AA Service Response Centre operates 24/7 and we’re usually by your side within the hour.

Don’t have a car yet? Don’t worry, your AA Membership covers whichever car you are in – even if you are in a friend's car! PLUS AA Membership also gives you access to a wide range of exclusive AA Member Benefits and discounts.

*Terms & Conditions apply. $15 discount applies to Senior Driver Coaching Session for drivers aged 65+. Free coaching session applies to AA Members aged 74+ Limit one session every two years. Discounts are not transferrable.​