The amount you pay for your vehicle licence each year varies for a number of reasons, but the main one is changes in the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) levy. The ACC licence levy covers the costs of motor vehicle road accidents. The levy is different for different vehicles based on data that shows the level of risk.
Different classes of vehicles pay different ACC levies according to their relative accident risk. Motorcycles pay more than cars because, according to Ministry of Transport data, a motorcyclist is 16 times more likely to be killed or seriously injured in a crash than a car driver over the same distance.
Similarly, utes and vans (classed as goods and service vehicles), along with taxis and rental vehicles, pay more than private cars to reflect their higher mileage and therefore higher accident risk, and in the case of utes and vans their higher accident claim cost and poorer safety design features.
Petrol vehicles pay a lower annual licence fee than diesel vehicles because a portion of the ACC levy is added to the cost of petrol at the pump. For diesels, the entire ACC levy is paid in one lump sum as part of the annual licence fee. This is because diesel fuel is also used off-road – e.g. for tractors, boats and machinery. Off-road accidents are covered by other ACC levies, such as employer or earners’ levies.
Petrol tax is also another reason why the motorcycle licence fee is higher than a car, because motorcycles use less fuel and so contribute less ACC via petrol tax.
Because there is no tax on diesel (except for GST), diesel vehicles also pay a distance-based Road User Charge (RUC) based on vehicle weight. This does not include an ACC component, but is instead equivalent to the petrol excise which goes to the National Land Transport Fund for road building/maintenance and other transport projects.
Overall, diesel vehicles are still cheaper to run because of their superior fuel economy.
From 1 May 2011, demerit points were introduced for vehicle registration and licence offences (up to 20 points per offence, in conjunction with lower fines). The demerits only apply to tickets issued by police officers, and anyone ticketed for the first time with an unlicensed car is given a two week grace period to license their vehicle before any penalties apply.
Other changes include NZTA requiring owners who have previously been caught driving a vehicle with its licence on hold to surrender the number plates, or otherwise NZTA could decline their application to put the vehicle licence on hold.
The AA supports having an ACC levy on petrol, and favours adding a greater proportion of the levy to petrol because fuel consumption correlates with mileage and is therefore a proxy for risk exposure.
We'd also like to see a similar distance-based ACC charge for diesel vehicles added to their Road User Charge (RUC). At the moment, all diesel vehicles pay the same ACC levy (according to vehicle class) regardless of annual mileage. By adding ACC to RUC, it would lower the annual diesel vehicle licence fee and owners would instead pay more of their ACC related to their mileage which is fairer for those who travel less.
The use of demerits for vehicle licence offences is intended to ensure every owner of a motor vehicle being used on the road is paying their fair share of ACC levies. It’s unfair to the majority of vehicle owners when a minority deliberately drive an unlicensed vehicle, or put their vehicle license on hold while continuing to drive it, as a way of avoiding payment.
> Charges for light petrol and diesel vehicles
> Where petrol tax and RUC goes