Why it pays to read a CIN carefully

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Our blog features motoring news, tips and expert advice brought to you by the AA Motoring team.

Why it pays to read a CIN carefully

When you’re on the lookout for a vehicle, one of the few pieces of information any dealer is obligated to provide you is a consumer information notice – also known as a CIN.

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Things to consider when downsizing your car

Is bigger better when it comes to vehicle safety? Will it save me more money if I downsize my vehicle? These are just a couple of key questions we get from AA Members looking to replace their car with something smaller.

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Buying a deregistered vehicle

Many vehicles in New Zealand fall victim to being deregistered and if you’ve recently been searching the used car market, you’ll have found that these cars can often be snapped up for a bargain price. 

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Reading between the lines of a used vehicle advertisement

Many of our members ask us how to describe and market their vehicle when they want to sell it. They often have difficulty describing their vehicle even when they’ve been behind the wheel of their 1984 Ford Laser since new.

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The pros and cons of car auctions

Vehicle auctions are ideal for those who are looking for a used vehicle or something that’s extra special and more difficult to find. 

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What can you expect from a luxury SUV?

The luxury SUV is becoming an increasingly common sight on our roads. Many buyers in the market for a premium vehicle are drawn to the practicality and the high-end features that these vehicles have to offer.

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Vehicles that hold their value

When the time comes to upgrade your car, it makes sense to consider the value it will hold. It’s rare to sell your car for more than you paid for it – cars aren’t like the Auckland housing market – but some vehicles retain more value than others. But why?

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10 things to know about EVs

There is no shortage of hype around electric vehicles.

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Vehicle safety devices

Thankfully manufacturers have introduced a range of safety devices to keep our cars safe beyond a standard car alarm or immobiliser.

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Common car buying mistakes

Whether it’s the first, second, third – ok, you get the idea – time that you’ve bought a car, mistakes can still be made during the buying process.

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Showing 131 - 140 of 151 search results for 'Buying and Selling'