Former NASA engineer hacks his car's horn to make it more friendly

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Motoring blog

Our blog features motoring news, tips and expert advice brought to you by the AA Motoring team.

Former NASA engineer hacks his car's horn to make it more friendly

There are few moments when driving that raise the blood pressure more than when you’re on the receiving end of another driver’s aggressive car horn for the most insignificant reason.

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What is AEB and what does it do?

We hear plenty about crashes that happen on our roads. What we don’t get any visibility on are those that could have happened, but didn’t.

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The pros and cons of car auctions

Vehicle auctions are ideal for those who are looking for a used vehicle or something that’s extra special and more difficult to find. 

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Have you made the switch lately?

Have you ever looked under your shoes and noticed that one area of the sole is more worn than the other? The way you walk causes wear in certain areas and the same happens with your car and its tyres.

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What can you expect from a luxury SUV?

The luxury SUV is becoming an increasingly common sight on our roads. Many buyers in the market for a premium vehicle are drawn to the practicality and the high-end features that these vehicles have to offer.

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Annoying characteristics to look out for as your car gets older

Such is life: no matter who or what it is, some things just don’t age gracefully, including our beloved vehicles. Breakages, leaks and smells happen from time to time. While some can be serious and others less so, they’re often an annoying inconvenience.

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Vehicles that hold their value

When the time comes to upgrade your car, it makes sense to consider the value it will hold. It’s rare to sell your car for more than you paid for it – cars aren’t like the Auckland housing market – but some vehicles retain more value than others. But why?

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Revealed: Crash fatalities "twice as likely" in cars built pre-2000

New Zealanders are twice as likely to die in a crash if the car they’re travelling in was built before 2000.

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Fuel saving driving tips

Just like you might turn off the lights in a room when you don’t need them to save electricity costs, there are ways of reducing the amount of energy your car uses to get you where you’re going.

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10 things to know about EVs

There is no shortage of hype around electric vehicles.

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