Why it pays to read a CIN carefully

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Motoring blog

Our blog features motoring news, tips and expert advice brought to you by the AA Motoring team.

Why it pays to read a CIN carefully

When you’re on the lookout for a vehicle, one of the few pieces of information any dealer is obligated to provide you is a consumer information notice – also known as a CIN.

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The best way to warm your car engine in the morning

No one enjoys stepping into a cold vehicle that’s been sitting outside covered in frost with the windows all fogged up. 

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Utes dominating new vehicle registrations in 2017

Utes are leading the way in new vehicle sales at the mid-way point of the year, taking four of the top five spots in new vehicle registrations for 2017 so far.

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Things to consider when downsizing your car

Is bigger better when it comes to vehicle safety? Will it save me more money if I downsize my vehicle? These are just a couple of key questions we get from AA Members looking to replace their car with something smaller.

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What makes a future classic?

The majority of us would love to make some extra money, and wise investments of collectible items often pay huge dividends.

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Volvo to roll out electric propulsion across all new models from 2019

Volvo Cars has announced that every new car it launches from 2019 will be available with an electric motor.

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Buying a deregistered vehicle

Many vehicles in New Zealand fall victim to being deregistered and if you’ve recently been searching the used car market, you’ll have found that these cars can often be snapped up for a bargain price. 

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How airbags save lives

The concept of the airbag has been around since the 1950s. It was an American guy called John W Hetrick who came up with the idea after his car almost hit a boulder, forcing him to brake suddenly. His wife threw out her arms to protect their children and the concept was born.

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Conserving your EV power this winter

Even when fully charged, most EVs can’t travel as far as petrol or diesel vehicles with a full tank of fuel. 

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Reading between the lines of a used vehicle advertisement

Many of our members ask us how to describe and market their vehicle when they want to sell it. They often have difficulty describing their vehicle even when they’ve been behind the wheel of their 1984 Ford Laser since new.

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