Modernise your car with these gadgets

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Motoring blog

Our blog features motoring news, tips and expert advice brought to you by the AA Motoring team.

Modernise your car with these gadgets

Did you know that the average age of a car in New Zealand is approximately 14.4 years old?

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Revealed: The stats behind car park dings

A trip to the supermarket often starts with the dreaded drive around a full car park, searching for a parking space whilst doing your best to dodge stray trollies.

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Car manufacturers that are no longer

It was a sad start to the week for the automotive industry in New Zealand when it was announced that Holden will cease trading by the end of next year.

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How can I take my car overseas?

Every year, many of us venture overseas for a well-earned holiday. But have you ever wished you could elevate this experience by bringing along your pride and joy?

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Does my car need to see a transmission physician?

Most vehicles are fitted with a transmission of some description. But how do you know if you’re experiencing problems with your transmission or if its behaviour is normal? Seeing as repairing or replacing your vehicle’s transmission is one of the most costly jobs, it pays to know.

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Why you should take vehicle recalls seriously

Last year, you may have heard about the mass recall of Takata airbags across the globe, following dozens of cases of them malfunctioning in the event of a crash.

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Different used EV options

This year, we’ve seen a handful of new EVs appear on our new car market, including first attempts from luxury marques Jaguar and Audi.

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Top 10 NZ new vehicles sold in 2019

The 10 most popular new vehicles amongst New Zealander’s in 2019 remained exactly the same as 2018, proving that Kiwis like to stick to what they know when it comes . . .

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Five things you shouldn't do to your car

If everything checks out when you’re buying a new car, it can be the start of a great relationship.

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How smart tech is making towing safer

Christmas and New Year may be well past us now, but summer's still here, and with a few long weekends still to come, many of us will be planning to . . .

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