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Hi! I bought a car fro a dealer last 17/11/16, I chose a quite costly dealer because I want to save myself from car problems, plus the dealer offers one year servicing warranty and insurance. But 10 days after I bought the car, I experience a problem, the car went for reverse on a drive mode. So I immediately told the dealer, I arrange for a towing company to bring my car to their workshop, but after 3 days they told me there is nothing wrong with the car. After less than a month, I noticed the aircon will take awhile to start functioning and the windows sometimes would get stuck, the control is not working. I told them again but they explained that it is normal. And the worst was when the steering wheel is so stiff I can't turn it properly, I bring the car to them but again they said there is nothing wrong. I decided to pay for an AA inspection and verified there's a problem with the airconditioning. And also, the inspector suggested that with the history I told him, the car might have an electrical problem. I went to the dealer and showed the report. They want me to arrange with the insurance company regarding the fixing of my car. I called Janssen car insurance but they told me they don't cover the repair of airconditioning with my insurance. The car dealer told me I have to pay for the repairs but I just bought the car less than 4 mos ago when everything is happening. How this problem will be resolved? Is there a way that I can still return the car to them and get my money back? Thanks


Hi Regina,
I believe we have spoken on the phone, please follow this link for further advice: