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The other day I sold one of my cars by advertising on a facebook group, the guy took it for a test drive etc and I sold it to him for an agreed price. Then just tonight I was looking at cars on trademe in my region and noticed the car I sold him has been listed online (For a higher price which I have no problem with), however from his description on Trademe and photos of the odometer shows me has wound back the odometer by just under 20,000km. I have photos of the odometer when I sold it, and he has a photo on trademe showing the lower km.

Now obviously I could just do nothing about this as I have nothing to gain, however what does the law say about this and how would I go about making a complaint even anonymously? as it is not fair on the new person purchasing the car.

I also have a concern that he would know it would be me making the complaint as I guess no one else would have known about this, except anyone who perhaps checked the cars km's against WOF records etc.


Hi there,
As it can be classed as fraud, it would be a matter to address with the police.
You could also contact the facebook admin or the page creators and warn them about it.
We would hope that any perspective buyers get a history check that should also warn that the odo has been changed, providing a wof was recorded with the original mileage.