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My question relates to a vehicle I own outside NZ. This is a late model Kia Sorento with low mileage. Was sent in for service at dealership and unfortunately site had significant flooding leaving vehicle submerged for several days
Dealership are refusing to replace vehicle but insist they will repair. I know this outside NZ, but I was wondering if there is any details/literature of floods on cars I can use in my case I can foresee us going the route of a court proceedings.
Will understand if advise cannot be given as car not in NZ


Hi there,
It is not ideal to repair a flood damaged car, but it is not illegal.
It would depend on how long, how deep, and if water was salty or fresh.
Also how many electrical componants are being replaced, this could cause headache down the track. Follow this link for information.


Hi Cade
Thanks for the insight and link, which I have taken a look at. I was wondering is there is an expert that I could commission to get an independent report(for a fee) on the effect of water damaged on vehicles.
I think this will be require as this might be going to court. To give more background.The vehicle in question is a Kia Sorento late model and was in fresh water, and submerged and to level of at least hood completely for a minimum of a couple of days.


Hi Cade
Thanks for the insight and link, which I have taken a look at. I was wondering is there is an expert that I could commission to get an independent report(for a fee) on the effect of water damaged on vehicles.
I think this will be require as this might be going to court. To give more background.The vehicle in question is a Kia Sorento late model and was in fresh water, and submerged and to level of at least hood completely for a minimum of a couple of days.


Hi there,
I'm not sure who would represent you in writing. But you could talk to an insurance assessor, or any macehanic. There will be so many componants to remove water from, I would ask for a warranty by the garage that any failures will be covered by them for a few years.