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Hi there

I have recently been in a car accident and currently debating with the insurance company as to who is at fault.

I indicated LEFT and Turned LEFT into HINAU Street. As I was almost in Hinau Street, vehicle B (who was turning right) hit the right front side of the car.
The rules state that the vehicle turning left (my vehicle) has right of way.
Damage to vehicle A, is scraped on front right corner. Damage to vehicle B is on the left passenger door area.
I attach some images to assist with explanation.

Two images here:

Thanks in advance.


Hi there,
From what I can see, I think you are right with tht rule of right turn give way.
However what we can't see is if there was a give way sign for car A?.
Also this would be a matter for your insurance company to fight for you.


Thanks for the response Cade. FYI, I am Car A.

There was no give way sign for Car A. (Nor a horizontal white line suggesting a give way).
Now what I've heard back from My Insurance Company:
"as your damage is the front right this means that the other driver was ahead of you and had right of way, therefore I find that you are at fault for the accident"

I highly disagree to what they have said. How would I go about disputing their decision?
The "Damage to the front right" is a scrape on the right front bumper guard (due to the car B not giving way to me) rather than a dent due to me hitting the vehicle.


Hi there,
I would have to agree with the insurance company about the damaged areas.
If the front corner of your car is damaged and the middle of theirs, this shows that you
pulled out "into" the side of the car and which you would be at fault because the other car
was in front. If the damage was reversed I would say the the other car hit you as you were
in front. ( I didn't understand the damaged areas in my previous answer)