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I have just purchased a 1994 Toyota Caldina from a dealer and it has sprung two oil leaks and a coolant leak, I have had the car for just over two weeks, what rights do I have under the consumer guarantees act in relation to my purchase. Does the dealer have to pay to get the car fixed?


From the "Ask Jack" archives - 14 December 2009


If you purchased the vehicle without knowledge or acceptance of these faults then the dealer has some responsibility.

A car sold be a Licensed Trader must be fit for purpose and clearly the loss of oil and especially water compromises how and where you can drive.

Talk to the dealer ASAP about the problem and request they have the vehicle checked out.

They are obviously not responsible for any unforeseen causes of these problems. For example, if you were unlucky enough to have a stone puncture the radiator after you took delivery, then it is not the responsibility of the dealer to repair the loss of water from the radiator.

You need to give the dealer the opportunity to inspect and if necessary repair the car before taking any further action.

If you feel the dealer is giving you the run around then call the Department of Courts 0800 367 6838 for further advice.