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I'm looking for advice on the latest regulations for personal car importation from the UK.

I hear the latest Govt scheme is to restrict all cars over a certain age.

Is there still an exemption for classic cars over 20 years of age?

Previously this exemption applied to non-compliance with frontal impact legislation.


From the "Ask Jack" archives - 14 December 2009


Vehicles manufactured on or after 1 January 1990 are required to meet the emission standards in place at the time of entry certification into NZ.

A vehicle does not have to meet Frontal Impact if it was first registered outside New Zealand more than 20 years before it was certified for entry into New Zealand. However, it may be required to meet other standards depending on date of manufacture.

Remember also, all vehicles regardless of age are subjected to an in-depth roadworthiness check as part of the compliance process.

Structural corrosion has always been an issue with older vehicles especially those coming out of the UK.

The costs to repair these vehicles and to bring them up to the required standards can be huge.


Not quite right; it is twenty years after the vehicle was manufactured, not after it was first registered. I had a car that was registered three years after it was manufactured but the latter date was the one accepted by LTNZ