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I was given an infringement notice for allegedly doing 73kph in a 60kph zone. I have to say that I was surprised that it was so high as when I looked at the speedo just after seeing the hidden Police car my speedo said 65kph. Yes I was obviously speeding, I can't argue that, but on reviewing my dash camera that also says I was doing 65kph. I have sent photos to Wellington showing this and pointing out the position of the Police car and the partial obstruction between us. Is it worth fighting to try and get the demerit points reduced from 20 to 10 ? The Police officer said the fine is at the lower end of the scale so I am resigned to have to pay the $80 whether the demerit points are reduced or not. I have no problem with the Police officer as he was very polite and courteous.

Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by "dash camera". Do you mean you had a GoPro or something operating?
However, even if that is the case, it doesn't prove that the police equipment measured your speed at the same time your camera suggests. Perhaps you were slowing down at the point the camera flashed, but had already clocked you at 73km/h a few metres before?
It is unlikely that the police reading was wrong, but I believe you are at liberty to request verification that the police equipment was correctly calibrated.

Hi, yes I have a Blackvue DR500GW camera which records everything. Since I first posted I have had another look at the video and the Police car wasn't involved as I first thought. It was a laser gun used by the Police whilst they were on private land. At no time in my video was I going at 73kpm in fact 67kph was the highest speed. ( You can view the video virtually frame by frame.) However I have now resigned myself to the fact that the Police will never ever admit a problem with their equipment so when/if I finally get their reply I will probably have no option but to pay up. One further question please, does the lowest speeding fine start at $80 even if you are only 5kpm over the posted limit ?

I understand the lowest fine is $30.

Ah the Police officer told us fines start from $80. I better not say anymore then except Thank You to you Mr Bayliss.

Sorry to still be a pain but the day I received this infringement notice I sent a couple of photos and my side of the story via the secure link on the Police website. That was 14 days ago and I have heard nothing, not even an e-mail acknowledgement of my original message. Should I send another one or is this delay normal please ?