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Hi, went and filled up my ute and fuel containers before it goes up tonite.
After shelling out 250 bucks worth of petrol the guy tells me hes already put it up.
Shouldn't he of told me about it before hand? Whats the point of a trip to town to avoid the price hike and it was only 7 o'clock.


As of last night, the price of 91 octane should have been no more than $2.209/litre, and $2.289/litre for 95 octane. Did you notice what price was on the sign? If the price was 3c higher than that, email the name and location of the service station to and we'll follow it up.


Ok will flick it thru to you thanks..didn't think to check the sign but did afterwards and yes it had been put up. 110.15 ltrs @ 229.9 for 95oct!!
This is a private station that I've been supporting for quite a few years now but does have new foreign owners which we are still happy to give our custom to. If thats the way it's done then will be shopping else where.
I no it's only 6$ difference but the point is they ripping us once again and there was other cars there aswell..wonder if they noticed?
Gee's Im angry


The AA has checked with Spirit Stratford and they're still charging 229.9c/litre for 95 octane which is 2c less that what most stations are charging after the tax increase. So either:

1. they haven't passed on the tax increase yet and were charging 1c more than the national price (which is not uncommon at small independant sites); or
2. they raised the price prematurely on Monday, but were charging less for fuel than competing brands

Either way, their current price for 95 octane is below the national price so customers are getting a better deal at the moment.