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I am selling a motorbike. I have no insurance.
I want to offer test rides to potential buyers and have protection if things go wrong e.g. bike never returns, bike crashes into Mercedes, Mercedes crashes in bike etc.

I want to add a clause to a regular bill of sales template along these lines:

"The buyer agrees to purchase the vehicle for $XXXX to be paid in full within X days. If the vehicle is returned to the seller before X pm on the XX/XX/XXXX (date of test ride) in it's original, undamaged condition this bill of sales may be cancelled at the request of the buyer"

Will this protect me if something goes wrong?


The idea is good and it should reduce the risks involved with selling privately. However, in practice most buyers will look at the contract and walk away to go buy elsewhere.

You should add that the driver/rider takes full responsibility for any damage caused to the bike and other property/vehicles while in possession of the bike.

You need to put the bike registration details and the rider’s driver-licence number on the document - you both should sign it.

But, if the potential buyer has no money it could take years to get anything out of them.

This is just one of the risks when selling privately.