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So, it's back to the dealer then?


I have contacted dealer via emails: in emails he confirmed it that its not CVT.


In which case, if Toyota says it is definitely a CVT, the dealer has misrepresented the vehicle, and continues to do so in writing, so you have a good case to reject the vehicle or ask for a replacement vehicle that meets your needs (ie; a non CVT as you initially requested).


Should i talk to dealer first or Which tribunal to ask? please advise.

thanks for all your help.


In the first instance, go and talk to the dealer and try to find an amicable solution. It sounds like he may genuinely believe it is not a CVT, but once it is confirmed to him that it is, he doesn't have much alternative.
In the event he refuses to do anything about it, then you may need to go to the Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal.




i have spoken to dealer and he said we dont go with toyota dealer what they say but wit Japanese certificate of car. he said he cant change the car because its registered on my name. so finally he said no.


OK, so if you really do not want a CVT you have no option but to take the dealer to the Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal.
It is not correct that he can't change the car because it is registered in your name. Obviously, he doesn't want to change the ownership because it will not look good for any future buyer but that's not your problem, it's his.
You will need to gather all the evidence you can, including the dealer's written statement which you have oon email, saying the car is not CVT, the CIN card from the purchase, as well as going to the Toyota Dealer to get them to put in writing that the car is a CVT and any other back-up evidence.
Good luck with your claim.