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Just wondering about the 'fairness' of receiving two tickets within the space of 2 hours from the same speed camera? Can this be contested. One was only 8km over the limit which wouldn't have got a ticket two weeks ago. Also what can be done to challenge the speed. The second ticket was for 63km in a 50 zone. I am fairly certain I never drive that fast on the stretch of road I was on. Taking into account most car speedos show up to 10% high my speedo should have been showing close to 70! No way!


While speedometers are manufactured to overstate true speed, these readings can be negatively affected by low tyre pressure and tread wear, or non-standard tyre or wheel sizes. Speed camera equipment is very reliable, but you can write to the Police Infringement Bureau to appeal the ticket and query the accuracy of the camera. Speed cameras must be calibrated once a year (typically twice a year), so you could also request a copy of the calibration certificate to verify when it was last checked. If your appeal is unsuccessful, or you have proof your speed was different from the camera (e.g. GPS data) then you can also challenge the fine at court.