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hi there,
My name is hasan and i just bought a van from dealer.
After bought the van i was in the area and not much of use the van as i was in nelson driving my other car.
after a week drive from nelson to Christchurch have problem with gear box or clutch not sure as i was driving to Christchurch, and i ring him when there, the car was let me down on the hills as i can't get van in lower gears.
as dealer got the van now, he's asking me to go 50/50 with repairs now but i payed him $8.000 for the van,
when bought the car it was in the yard and there is a more than 10 cars in front to test drive because of van had 109.000 km on it i thought will be good van trust he's words.
and hassle to test drive at the time, but i start the van it was rattle but haven drive the van at the time,
after second day they got car he'is got registered and give it to me and i drive to home take back seats of make ready to drive Christchurch to get my home staff as i was moving toy nelson,
but i have told of by landlord because of van drops so much oil on ground, and clutch or gear box died on me going to Christchurch.
Now i told him i won't afford to pay more money as i have Un usable van and wreck van,
Got answer form him i am not reasonable person.
Can i please get some kind of help here what to do as $8.000 dollars is a lots of money for me for a wreck van and i believe all his cars are doge in the yard i guess they all in same condition when i went day some one walk in the yard looks like his was not happy don't know what reason ,and also told by person works in the yard what he done it's not fare


Firstly, if you bought the vehicle for company use then you are not covered by the CGA (Consumer Guarantees Act), in which case the repair will be for your cost.

If you bought the vehicle from a registered motor vehicle trader for private use and not by auction then the CGA will apply. The CGA covers you for a reasonable amount of time - which is not a defined time but factors such as mileage, purchase price, age of vehicle, etc, are taken into consideration.

You have not clearly stated what has failed. If the gearbox has failed then we would expect that the dealer should be covering the full cost of repair, depending on how long you have owned the vehicle.

However, if the clutch has failed then you might have a problem. The clutch is a wear-and-tear item and factors such as poor driving style, towing an excessively heavy load, etc, can cause the clutch to fail prematurely. If this is the case then the 50/50 split cost of repair doesn't seem unreasonable.