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Please ignore this query. I've just been back down to the junction and the straight on filter remains red. Guess we'll be getting that fine

Earlier today my wife drove through Wellington. About 12-18 months ago there was a change in traffic flow and traffic can now go down Manners Street with it being a bus lane during daytime. She inadvertently entered this bus lane during the restricted period and was photographed by a traffic warden. We are expecting to receive a $150 fine (happy Christmas ) in the post over the next couple of days. However, having taken a closer look at the flow on the junction I'm not sure it's fair.

She was coming down Boulcott Street as she approached the junction with Manners and Willis. Here's the old view that was in street view[url]
You can see with the old lights there use to be just a filter left and right with no entry straight on.

The lights now have a straight on filter light in addition to the right and left. There is only one no entry sign on the far lamppost with with small note explaining the time restrictions. (I have a photo that I can send through that would probably help)

It was mid morning with a reasonable amount of traffic. When she saw the straight on filter light go green she assumed that she was now able to go straight on. It was only once she was at the entry to Manners street she noticed the no entry sign restrictions but it was too late to then take corrective action. She was then photographed by the traffic warden at the end of the bus lane before turning up Victoria street. Given that I don't think any buses come down Boulcott street it would seem that this straight on filter should remain red during the period where the bus lane is in operation. Otherwise drivers can be left thinking they can go straight down Manners until it is too late to change direction.

I'd be interested to get you thoughts on this situation and whether we would have any grounds to challenge a $150 fine.

Thanks for your help.


Yes, if the straight-ahead arrow was red while the hours of the bus lane were in force, then you probably have no grounds for appeal, although you have nothing to lose by writing to them - the signage at the entrance to Manners St is quite small and not in the drivers normal line of sight. But if the arrow had been green at the time, then you would have good reason to challenge the fine.