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I recently failed my WOF. Most of it was minor things (eg tyre, etc) which can easily be rectified, however I had some corrosion underneath the rear bumper in the corners of the boot area directly underneath the headlights. I repaired this by coating with anti-rust treatment and patching with fibre-glass as the metal in the area in question was too thin to consider welding.
The testing agent said this was not good enough and we would need to weld in order to repair.

I refute this aspect of the testing agent's decision as in my opinion it does not compromise the structural integrity of the car (it is nowhere near the chassis, etc). The repair was sound and fibreglass (which is very strong) should be sufficient.

What options are available to me? Can I take my vehicle in for another WOF at a different garage for a second opinion?

Your help would be greatly appreciated.


It's entirely your right to take it elsewhere, but if the repair has not been done to a satisfactory standard, (which would generally be considered to mean replacing the corroded area with steel, correctly welded in) it is likely to fail there too.
You can dispute the matter by contacting NZTA if you wish.


Thanks for your reply. So it is not illegal to get another WOF elsewhere?

And are the reasons for rejection recorded on the computer? If they are it would probably be best to dispute with NZTA because I don't want this to be the case.


No, it's not illegal to go elsewhere, however you will have to pay for another inspection if you go elsewhere.
The reason for failure is recorded in the system, but if the second inspector is happy with the repair he can over-ride it.
My honest thoughts are that you may lose any dispute it as it doesn't sound like the repair has been done to the required standard. However, I haven't seen it, so I could be wrong.


Thanks very much for all your helpful advice