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Verbal/email agreement to buy car from dealer, no CIN supplied when requested and no contact re availability of car (being imported) within 7 days as verbally agreed. Felt pressured to pay deposit to hold car until arrives for inspection. Financial circumstance change in meantime means I no longer want the vehicle. Have not signed anything and requested refund of deposit but no joy yet. Am I legally entitled to a refund as there was no sale agreement signed and deposit was verbally subject to being suitable which it now is not. There is no email or signed agreement stating the refund was non refundable. Help it is $1000 and I now need it for medical costs.


The reason you are using to cancel the deal is not valid as its personal reasons and nothing to do with the vehicle. You have placed a deposit to purchase the car which indicates you intend on buying the vehicle - the dealer has held the vehicle for you for this reason. However, you could argue that because you haven't signed a VOSA (Vehicle Offer and Sale Agreement) you haven't committed to the purchase. If you have no joy with the dealer you could contact the MTA mediation service to try resolve the issue - the dealer is likely to be a MTA dealer.