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Hi, i had a verbal agreement with my friend that i shall change the car under her once she finish pay us all the weekly installment. In the meantime, she can use the car also as though i borrow her the car. Thenafter she refused to pay me anymore money besides the 1st installment. Few weeks after, the car was broken down. Right now she refuse to pay the car repair and threaten me to sell the car to the garage. For your information, the car is with her. What can i do now? Please advise. Thank you.


Unfortunately this is a very messy situation, especially as it's a friend and you only have a verbal agreement. There are really only 2 things you can do.

1) Pay your friend back the installment she paid you and get the car back.
2) Take your friend to the Disputes Tribunal. However, while there is such a thing as a verbal contract, if there is nothing in writing and your friend's interpretation of the deal differs from yours, this may not be a slam dunk win in the Disputes Tribunal.

Personally, I think I'd get the car back as it seems doubtful that your friend will pay you the remainder of the installments even if you win a dispute. The garage bill is a bit of a grey area, as if your friend authorised the repair, she has responsibility to pay the garage, however, depending on the amount involved, this may be something you may wish to negotiate. Eg; if the value of the repair equates to the installment your friend has paid, perhaps you could agree to take the car back and pay the bill yourself, and just call the installment your friend paid a "loan fee" for her using the car?