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As per my query to the AA forum re my Ford Fiesta - I had a breakdown with my European built Ford Fiesta Ghia '03, that turned out to be the heating core. I was told it was a labour intensive job but a fairly cheap part - approx $100 - 200 with about 5-6hrs labour. I was not given a quote or any more of an estimate than that. I was expecting a bill for about $1000 but was staggered to get a bill yesterday for $1897.60. 16hrs labour and part $388.63. Talking to Tony he said access was a major problem, considerably more than usual. I have used this garage for years and have had no problems with their work but feel this is excessive and would like an opinion on the expected labour for this repair....
Your AA expert says approx 8 hrs labour and very poor communication! Have I a case to dispute this with maybe the Disputes Tribunal.
Thanks Anne


Yes, when the repairer realised it was going to take more time than quoted he should've informed you. Try resolving this problem with the manager of the site and if this is unsuccessful check whether they are an MTA approved workshop and contact their mediation services who will assist in resolving the issue. As a last resort you can contact the motor vehicle disputes tribunal.