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Hello, my partner Donna was given her fathers car appropriately two years ago, this was done through the normal Registration Transfer process - completing an MR13 and 13A
Her farther has now passed away and unfortunately there is now a dispute over ownership of the vehicle. How does one show they have legal title over the vehicle - there was no sale or purchase agreement or other paperwork completed?
Many thanks Paul


Having her name on the papers does not necessarily mean she is the legal owner.
I'm assuming there was no mention of the vehicle in any will that may have existed and as there is no documentation, it will come down to a few factors. Whether her father was of sound mind at the time of the transaction, whether he notified NZTA of the transaction as well as her (this should be on file), and perhaps the value of the vehicle in relation to gifting.
If she is unable to prove that he intended to gift the vehicle to her, other benefactors of his estate may have claim to a share of the vehicle. The best advice is for your partner to seek the advice of a lawyer, as this matter will need to be resolved through legal channels.